Day 040 - 21 Oct 94 - Page 23
2 Do you have any comment to make about the accuracy of what
3 you wrote in your report and of the evidence you gave to
4 this court yesterday?
5 A. I stand corrected. I had not copied the numbers down
6 correctly. But still, I would observe that the tumour
7 incidence, which is just over 27 per cent, is high for a
8 compound on a permitted list.
10 Q. Can we turn now, please -- this is the last substance that
11 I am going to refer to -- Carrageenan; I pronounce it with
12 a hard G because it has an "h" in the Irish spelling.
14 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It follows Italian rules, does it not?
16 MR. RAMPTON: As it would in Italian, yes. Put that away now,
17 please. Take up again, if you will, Professor Walker's
18 references and turn to G?
19 A. Do you want the JECFA report on Carrageenan?
21 Q. Yes, I do, please. It is 1984.
23 MR. MORRIS: Which one are we looking at?
25 MR. RAMPTON: Either J, K or G.
27 MR. JUSTICE BELL: J is 10.
29 MR. RAMPTON: That is BHA.
31 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Carcinogenicity studies of Sodium Nitrate.
33 MR. RAMPTON: Carrageenan, I am on.
34 A. I am on K.
36 Q. Which is K, I am told. Please turn to what is numbered in
37 the file page 281 right-hand column with the number at the
38 top 43. Can we agree, Dr. Millstone, that the effect of
39 what you have said about Carrageenan, at any rate one
40 effect of what you said, is this, that whatever evidence
41 there might or might not be to cast suspicion on food grade
42 Carrageenan, the evidence against degraded Carrageenan is
43 very much stronger?
44 A. That has been my reading of the literature.
46 Q. Yes.
47 A. Yes.
49 Q. "Observations in man: Six patients suffering from
50 malignant disease of the colon were given five grammes
51 degraded Carrageenan daily for 10 days before a colectomy
52 was performed. Samples of normal sections of the colon
53 obtained at surgery were examined for any signs of
54 ulceration and analysed histochemically and chemically for
55 the presence of degraded Carrageenan in the tissue. There
56 were no signs of any ulceration in these samples of gut,
57 nor was any degraded Carrageenan detected by either the
58 histochemical or the analytical method".
60 So, in that case at least, there were no signs that