Day 040 - 21 Oct 94 - Page 21
1 committee, review these same figures they will interpret
2 them in precisely the same way, or that they can therefore
3 take JECFA's judgment as final and definitive.
5 MR. RAMPTON: That is not what I am saying, Dr. Millstone, at
6 all. You postulate hyperplasia observed in rats as a
7 potential hazard in humans because it is a precursor, or
8 may be a precursor, of cancer; is that correct?
9 A. Yes.
11 Q. How long do rats live?
12 A. They live on average in a laboratory approximately 2
13 and a half years.
15 Q. These rats were administered doses of up to 1250 milligrams
16 per kilogram body weight per day for more than two years;
17 despite evidence of hyperplasia, no carcinogenesis was
18 observed, was it?
19 A. It is interesting the way in which the comments are
20 written here on page 7, it says: "These studies indicate
21 that Amaranth is not carcinogenic to rats exposed" and so
22 on. If I had been a member of the committee I would not
23 have been comfortable with that comment. I would have
24 thought that it would have been more felicitous to say
25 these studies indicate that Amaranth was not carcinogenic
26 to these rats. I mean, I made the point before that you
27 get variations and differences in the results of different
28 tests, even between different laboratories using the same
29 variety of the same species, between different species and
30 different varieties.
32 My reading of the literature is that while in this
33 particular BIBRA study, in this particular group of rats,
34 which were Whistar -- no, that was the 90-day study --
35 these are on page 4 -- these are also Whistar derived rats
36 -- we cannot conclude from that that Amaranth is not
37 carcinogenic to Fisher rats or Charles River rats or any of
38 the other types of rats used in laboratory experiments.
40 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Listen to the next question.
42 MR. RAMPTON: Do you wish to add anything, because I am passing
43 on to something else now?
44 A. I do not believe I do at this stage.
46 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If you are, we will take our break now.
48 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, I am pretty certain I shall finish before
49 the adjournment.
51 (Short Adjournment)
53 MR. RAMPTON: Dr. Millstone, still on Amaranth, please? Turn
54 back to page 11 of your revised report under the heading
55 "Toxicological evaluation and possible health hazards" in
56 the last paragraph on this page you write: "One focus of
57 the controversy has concerned the validity of the Russian
58 work which had indicted Amaranth. One of the crucial
59 studies was conducted by the Russian scientist Adrianova
60 and showed that 2% of Amaranth in the diet of rats caused