Day 040 - 21 Oct 94 - Page 20
1 A. The Butler and Conning paper?
3 Q. 1983, Ford, Butler and Gaunt?
4 A. No. It has not been published, to the best of my
5 knowledge.
7 Q. It says it is an unpublished report; I was wondering
8 whether you had had some entree to it?
9 A. I have obtained through the British library some of
10 these unpublished reports, but by no means all of them and
11 I am not certain that that is one I have scrutinized.
13 Q. That is one you could get hold of, is it?
14 A. It may be. Insofar as it is a document submitted to
15 the Committee on Toxicity prior to the introduction of new
16 arrangements in the late 80s, it might fall outside of the
17 provisions of those arrangements and I may not be able to
18 obtain it. I cannot say without further investigation
19 whether it is publicly available.
21 But what I would have been more comfortable with would have
22 been if they had not simply said: "It fell short of
23 statistical significance", but gave a measure of the
24 statistical significance and, better still, if they had
25 included a table giving the incidence within these groups,
26 in the control group and the low dose group. Because it is
27 important to know whether it fell short of statistical
28 significance, not only to a marginal extent or a
29 substantial extent, but what was the incidence of these
30 lesions in the control group. Because if there was a
31 particularly high incidence of relatively historical
32 controls in the concurrent controls, then it might have
33 fallen short of statistical significance for that reason.
35 I think this brings me to a point that arose that I wanted
36 to make towards the end of the discussion yesterday
37 afternoon that I was not able to make because we had to
38 stop at 4.30, which is this: Since, typically, we are
39 dealing with animals of groups of 50 animals per gender per
40 dose group, and the incidence of the relevant lesions in
41 the control group is usually greater than zero, these
42 experiments are relatively insensitive because it typically
43 means, when one takes into account the variation within the
44 controls and the requirement that demonstrates statistical
45 significance, that using groups of these sizes it is not
46 possible in practice to be confident of anything more than
47 the real incidence of these lesions in these groups is
48 unlikely to have been greater than, say, five or 10 per
49 cent of the population.
51 So, I think it is a mistake to say there was no effect at
52 50 milligrams; what would be better to say is, the
53 incidence of effects at the 50 milligram dose level was not
54 greater than a specific figure. But the specific figure is
55 not given.
57 So there are many respects in which there is scope for
58 different interpretations of these figures, and I would not
59 necessarily assume, as I think you are assuming, that if
60 and when the Scientific Committee for Food, or some other