Day 040 - 21 Oct 94 - Page 18
1 possible to establish a no-untoward-effect level in this
2 study; yet, nonetheless, they do represent a level of 50
3 milligrams Amaranth per kilogram body weight as an
4 effective no-effect-level. So, there seems to me to be
5 something rather curious happening here. They state
6 explicitly they could not find a no-effect-level, then they
7 treat a level as if it were a no-effect-level.
9 MR. JUSTICE BELL: No, they do not, do they? You explain it to
10 me. It was not possible to establish a no-effect-level
11 because there was some effect.
12 A. Indeed, OK; no-effect-level in respect of the renal
13 calcification. So they treat -- given that they did not
14 find renal calcification below that level, they took that
15 effect as the one by reference to which a no-effect-level
16 would be determined and from which an ADI would be
17 derived. But that is, as I read it, effectively to
18 discount the epithelial hyperplasia as if it were an effect
19 of no significance.
21 Now, certainly renal calcification (which is a condition in
22 which, to put it crudely, the kidney, particularly the
23 entrance to the kidney, becomes enlarged with chalky
24 material) is something which does happen in rats of this
25 kind when they receive relatively high doses and is often
26 an indication of relatively gross disturbance of their
27 metabolic systems.
29 It is not an effect which is found in human beings very
30 frequently, though it does occur from time to time, but
31 I would have thought that if they were genuinely following
32 the nominal rules by which ADI's were supposed to be set,
33 they ought to be determining their no-effect-level by
34 reference to any adverse effect and not merely the renal
35 calcification.
37 Given that they could not establish a no-effect-level for
38 epithelial hyperplasia, it seems to me questionable that
39 they are acting properly in setting the ADI as they did.
41 MR. RAMPTON: Do you accept, Dr. Millstone, that this further
42 work (which is ignored in your report and your
43 evidence-in-chief) did establish that the renal
44 calcification was not an effect of the Amaranth?
45 A. Not necessarily. Oh no, I certainly would not accept
46 that it showed that the renal calcification was not an
47 effect of the Amaranth -- on the contrary.
49 Q. I do not think you could have read the whole thing. You
50 see, they redid some of the work, did they not? Two
51 members of the team, Butler and Conning, were asked to redo
52 it or decided to redo it because they were uncertain about
53 the renal calcification. That is the second part of page
54 171 and the top of the next column.
56 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Read it again because it may be important.
57 Read from below the 82 reference, the second paragraph you
58 have just been on. I will read it again as well.
59 A. May I ask, Mr. Rampton? It seems to me the key
60 sentence in this lower paragraph on page 6 of the JECFA