Day 038 - 19 Oct 94 - Page 06
1 MS. STEEL: I do not know, to be honest. Perhaps the
2 Plaintiffs know because they have been sorting out the
3 bundles. Are they pale green probably?
5 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I assume you are referring to volume III?
7 MS. STEEL: Yes.
9 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What do the numbers mean on these copies you
10 have handed up?
12 MS. STEEL: That is the reference number, so they go behind
13 that tab. I presume the Plaintiffs have done the tabs in
14 the order that they are referenced in the statement, but I
15 do not know.
17 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I will put them in then. They are not all
18 numbered. I have one which is reference 8 which I will put
19 in. Does that mean the others are new ones?
21 MS. STEEL: The styrene ones are new ones. It was just 8 and
22 11 that were numbered because the styrene ones just go with
23 the new statement.
25 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I will put the styrene ones at the back of
26 the bundle.
28 MS. STEEL: It might be better to put them at the back of the
29 second bundle. There are two bundles for Dr. Millstone.
31 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I am going, in fact, to put them behind the
32 styrene statement in tab 4 for the simple reason that there
33 is no more room in either of the Millstone bundles, but
34 that means I wish to take out from tab 4 anything which is
35 no longer superseded by what you have handed me. So,
36 I will take out the CV. Do you want me to keep in the
37 letter of 21st July and the letter of 8th December?
39 MS. STEEL: I do not think we need them left in.
41 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What about the fax I referred to, the October
42 one?
44 MS. STEEL: Which one?
46 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Fax transmission to Mr. Morris, 28th October.
48 MS. STEEL: No, I do not think we need that.
50 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I may have to do some adjustment later. That
51 need not delay you calling Dr. Millstone. I can do that in
52 my own time. There is one thing I want to mention in
53 relation to Professor Crawford since he was not required to
54 return yesterday. Fairly early in his evidence, or in one
55 of his statements, he referred to two surveys he did, or
56 they may all have been in one. One was something in
57 relation to pregnant mothers and take-away food in the East
58 End; the other was schoolchildren and fast food in the East
59 End. Do I have copies of those?