Day 021 - 29 Jul 94 - Page 27

     1        well?
              A.  Are we on the same page?
         MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Just to the right of where you were reading,
     3        under "Eat plenty of foods rich in starch and fibre";
              towards the bottom of the column, the last paragraph.
     4        A.  Am I on the right page?
     5   Q.   Are you on, "Not too fat, not too thin"?  The one you were
              looking at a moment ago?
     6        A.  Yes, "Eat plenty of foods rich in starch and fibre".
              Is that the bit we are on?
         Q.   Yes.  Towards the bottom of that column, "the fibre from
     8        these"?
              A.  Well, again, in general I would agree with the proviso
     9        that -- I do not think we can be sure that it is
              necessarily the fibre, but on the whole foods which are
    10        high in fibre will have this effect.  It is possible that
              it is the constituents in those foods that will produce
    11        the effect.
    12   MS. STEEL:   You are not convinced of the link between fibre
              helping prevent constipation?
    13        A.  That is fibre per se.
    14   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  If it was foods high in fibre?
              A.  OK, I would not have a problem.
         MS. STEEL:   Going on to the next page: "There are some
    16        essential fats which are important to us as vitamins.
              However, most of us would benefit from eating less fat,
    17        about one ounce less each day.  This does not sound a lot
              and it is not.  Minor changes in what we choose to eat can
    18        do the trick if we stick to them.
    19        At the moment, people living in the UK have one of the
              highest risks in the world of heart disease.  Eating too
    20        much fat can encourage heart disease.  Some common
              cancers, including breast cancer, may be linked with a
    21        high fat style of eating".  Is that something that you
              would agree with?
    22        A.  Yes.  Again it is important to read that carefully.
              They are saying that some cancers, including breast
    23        cancer, may be linked with a high fat style of eating.
    24   Q.   Is that something you would agree with?
              A.  I think it is a fair comment on the current state of
    25        knowledge, but it does not -- it is not saying there is a
              definite cause and effect. 
         Q.   But you do not think it is a wildly irresponsible 
    27        statement to make?
              A.  No.
         Q.  "A high fat intake may also increase a risk of other common
    29        illnesses and encourage over weight.  Some risks are
              inherited, but a change in what we eat can make a
    30        difference.  Not smoking and taking more exercise are
              important too".

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