Day 021 - 29 Jul 94 - Page 25
2 Q. Can you imagine, for example, MAFF being an organisation
that would want to encourage people to eat less of various
3 types of food without having any good reason for it?
A. The Ministry of Agriculture?
Q. Yes.
5 A. No, but again I would need to look at what exactly
they were saying to make up my own mind, but on the whole
6 I would expect that what they would put out would be quite
Q. Can we look at -- I do not know what file it is in;
8 I think it is in the paper served that go with Jane Brophy
statement. Do you know what file they would be in?
MR. JUSTICE BELL: Light green volume 1. Tab 1 is Jane
10 Brophy's documentation. It starts with Healthy Eating.
It is MAFF Healthy Eating, Guide from the Food Safety
11 Directorate.
A. Which tab?
MS. STEEL: I do not know what tab it is in.
MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is tab one.
14 A. It is not in this one. Could I have another file,
Q. It should have "nutrition"?
16 A. It says Jane Brophy on the outside, but there is
nothing in tab one.
MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is Crown Copyright 1991.
18 A. There is nothing in this one either; it says Jane
Q. You have it there.
20 A. "Healthy Eating".
21 MS. STEEL: That is the one.
A. Sorry, I apologise. I was looking for something
22 else. This is the food sense leaflet?
23 Q. Healthy Eating Food Sense, yes.
A. Yes.
MR. JUSTICE BELL: At the bottom, do you see under the Crown
25 and MAFF, Guide from the Food Safety Directorate, Ministry
of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food?
26 A. Yes, OK. I am with you now.
27 MS. STEEL: Perhaps this bit is not important, but on the
first page it says: "In spite of confusing publicity,
28 there is wide agreement among experts on what is a healthy
style of eating".
29 A. Yes, I see that.
30 Q. If we go on to "A Good Mix" -- I have not page numbers on
mine. It is four pages in.