Day 021 - 29 Jul 94 - Page 24
1 of the fact it was the first one to express the
recommendations in quantitative terms it received
2 considerable publicity and has been used -- it was used
quite widely in the subsequent period after its
3 publication.
4 Q. Going a little bit wider than just dietary
recommendations, talking about the relationship between
5 diet and disease, are bodies such as NACNE and the Health
Education Authority, for example, bodies that are well
6 respected?
A. Yes, I am sure that NACNE would be well respected
7 amongst nutritionists and people involved in health
promotion. The Health Education Authority I would say is
8 reasonably well respected as well.
9 Q. Do you know about ---?
A. Of course, that does not necessarily mean that
10 anything the Health Education Authority says in relation
to dietary recommendations would have the same authority
11 as a specific committee that was set up with the necessary
expertise to provide recommendations. The Health
12 Education Authority, in my understanding, is primarily to
promote health. It is not really their role to evaluate
13 the scientific literature.
14 Q. But do you think they print things that are completely out
of synch with general thought at the time?
15 A. I think on the whole they would do their best to
reflect that, but I think the records show that sometimes
16 they do upset governments.
17 MR. JUSTICE BELL: There may be nothing wrong with that!
18 MS. STEEL: Have you heard of the Cancer Education
Co-ordinating Committee?
19 A. No, I have not.
20 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What was that one?
21 MS. STEEL: The Cancer Education Co-ordinating Committee and
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. These
22 bodies, do you think they are fairly responsible?
23 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Do you know anything at all about the Cancer
Education Co-ordinating Committee?
24 A. No.
25 MS. STEEL: Well, taking the other one.
27 MS. STEEL: Yes, and the Health Education Authority and
NACNE. Do you think they are responsible bodies? They
28 would not be making wild statements?
A. In what context?
Q. They would not be making wild statements without any
30 reason for it?
A. I do not think they would, no.