Day 021 - 29 Jul 94 - Page 23
MR. JUSTICE BELL: When you did your tables that are in your
2 statement, the ones with McDonald's meals in.
A. Yes.
MR. JUSTICE BELL: I think that is it on sodium, Mr. Morris, is
4 it not?
5 MS. STEEL: On page 6 of your statement ----?
A. Sorry, which volume?
Q. The first one; it is yellow.
MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yellow five. Tab 5.
MS. STEEL: Internal page 6. It may be page 29.
9 A. My 29, is it?
10 Q. I do not know.
11 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What is the internal page?
12 MS. STEEL: The internal page is page 6.
A. Yes, OK, I have it.
Q. You are saying about national committees being asked to
14 prepare recommendations which can be used as a basis for
giving advice to the general public.
15 A. Whereabouts on the page?
16 Q. The end of the first paragraph.
A. Yes.
Q. I wanted to ask about various bodies and how they fitted
18 into that plan. For example, NACNE; are they something
that would come under this?
19 A. Well, NACNE was the National Advisory Committee on
Nutrition Education, so its primary brief, which I think
20 was given by Keith Joseph when he was the Minister of
Health, asked this committee to advise him on what steps
21 might be taken to improve the nutrition education in this
So what they actually did, when they started to consider
23 the brief, was to realise that they did not actually have
any basis on which to do that, because up to that time
24 there had never been any attempt made to put forward these
recommendations in quantitative terms. It was just
25 vague: Reduce fat, reduce saturated fat, whatever. So
really on their own they took the initiative using various
26 other scientific reports which had been produced prior to
that to come up with some recommendations which put
27 forward the kind of changes that would be advisable for
the British diet, and to put those in quantitative terms.
28 That committee was not specifically given a brief to
provide these recommendations. That was one which they
29 took upon themselves in order to fulfil the actual brief
they had been given on nutrition education.
Eventually that report was published in 1983, and because