Day 021 - 29 Jul 94 - Page 19

     1   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  It is easy to slip.
     2   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.
     3   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Put it again then.
     4   MR. MORRIS:  It is really the DRV figures on page 155.  Hold on
              a second.  I got very confused on sodium last time and
     5        I am getting confused now.
     6   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Just pause for a moment.
     7   MR. MORRIS:  Why I am being confused is they do not give any
              conclusions in this particular section, the summary.
     8        (To the witness): What is your understanding of their
              recommendations, Professor Wheelock?
     9        A.  They are making recommendations on the amount of
              sodium that should be in the diet to meet the requirement
    10        for sodium in the body and that, in my view, they have not
              really tackled, effectively, the question of what the
    11        upper limit to be.
    12   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Is the nearest they really get to it in
              25.3.4, just taking adults for the moment, on page 154?
    13        A.  Yes, I think that puts it in a nutshell.
    14   MR. MORRIS:  They are saying really it should be kept to the
              minimum, is that what they are saying?
    15        A.  No, the Panel were unable to offer guidance on high
         MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I think when you were dealing with paragraph
    17        25.4 you said it would be prudent to reduce from the
              figure of 337.6, which appears there, but not below the 16
    18        hundred, which is the figure which appears at 25.3.4?
              A.  Yes, that would be my opinion.  But, as I read it, the
    19        report does not even go as far as that.
    20   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No?
              A.  Because the report is simply saying, "The Panel were
    21        unable to offer guidance on high consumption though noted
              that usual intakes are in excess of 140 mmol/d or (3.22
    22        g/d).  The Panel saw no physiological advantage in
              exceeding this intake and considered that it would not be
    23        appropriate to increase these intakes further".
    24   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  If the screen goes today we can probably
              press on.  If you are at a disadvantage of it say so, if
    25        you want to refer back to something, because we will get
              transcripts of today which you certainly are not going to 
    26        need tomorrow. 
    27   MR. MORRIS:  That is true.
    28   MS. STEEL:   I am still confused on this.  I was trying to look
              through the transcript on the last occasion about sodium.
         MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I just wrote a pencil note in my book of
    30        what Mr. Wheelock said last time.  Let me look at 25.3.4
              and 25.4. again.  It would appear to me, correct me if

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