Day 021 - 29 Jul 94 - Page 18

         Q.   Do you agree with that?
     2        A.  Yes, I do.
     3   MR. RAMPTON:  I do not know about your Lordship's, but our
              screens have gone.
         MR. MORRIS:  Shall we take a quick five minute break?
         MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do you want to have the break now or do you
     6        want to finish sugar?  They come back in a moment.
     7   MR. MORRIS:  I have finished with sugar.  I think Helen wants
              to bring something up about sodium.
         MR. JUSTICE BELL:  We will have our five minutes and then come
     9        back to sodium.
    10                       (Short Adjournment)
    11   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes?
    12   MR. MORRIS:  Just very briefly on sodium:  Mr. Wheelock, you
              made a comment that the role of sodium in this whole
    13        equation?
              A.  Have you a particular reference?
         Q.   I am not really going to refer to anything specific.  It
    15        is just you made a comment on sodium, I think it was, to
              the effect that America was ahead of the United Kingdom,
    16        and that concerns are growing here about the role of
              sodium in the diet?
    17        A.  Yes.
    18   Q.   Just in the light of that, do you feel that the specific
              figure which they have mentioned here of RNI 1600
    19        milligrams could be revised down in the light of -----
              A.  Can you just refer to me to that, please?
         Q.   It is page 154.
    21        A.  Because I think it is probably fair to say that when
              the Panel was considering the sodium here, that they were
    22        much more concerned with putting forward a recommendation
              as to how much was actually required.  I do not -- in my
    23        view, they have not really addressed the whole question of
              what the upper limit should be.  I think, somewhere
    24        I think they used the phrase that it would be undesirable
              to increase it, or words to that effect.  I think really
    25        that is as far as they got.
    26   MR. RAMPTON:  This might be an appropriate moment for your 
              Lordship to ask Professor Wheelock to explain the 
    27        difference between and RNI and a DRV because there seems
              to be some confusion.
         MR. JUSTICE BELL:  We can see what they are.  I keep turning
    29        back to pages (iv) and (v), if I need to remind myself.
    30   MR. MORRIS:  I think it is my error there.

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