Day 021 - 29 Jul 94 - Page 17
1 low. Again one needs to put it into context because once
you get, once you solve one problem then there are lots of
2 others to be tackled.
3 MR. MORRIS: If you look in the paragraph above 3.4.13 in the
middle there is a quite blanket statement: "Reduction in
4 serum LDL cholesterol levels in the general population
could most effectively be achieved by a reduction in SFA
5 consumption."
A. Whereabouts in this chapter?
Q. Sorry, that is just in the paragraph above.
MR. JUSTICE BELL: Just over halfway through the paragraph,
8 3.4.13, "A reduction"?
A. Yes.
MR. MORRIS: "... can most effectively be achieved by a
10 reduction in SFA consumption."
A. I think what they are doing there is comparing with,
11 getting a reduction by increasing the amount of
polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet. But they are
12 coming down and saying that it would be preferable to
reduce saturated fat rather than to increase
13 polyunsaturated fat.
14 Q. Just to move from that, I have finished with that really.
Just to go to sugar, on page 74, on point 5.6.3., the last
15 sentence which Mr. Rampton inextricably stopped to read
out. "The Panel therefore proposed that the population's
16 average intake of non-milk extrinsic sugars should not
exceed about 60 grammes or 10 per cent of total dietary
17 energy." Would you agree with that as an upper limit?
A. No, I do not agree with it as an upper limit. I agree
18 with it as an average intake which is what it says there.
19 Q. " ... should not exceed",?
A. It says: "The population's average intake of non-milk
20 extrinsic sugars should not exceed about 60".
21 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes, but do we not reduce that to saying
since you are a member of the population -- I see the
22 distinction -- but, I mean, if one said that over a period
of two or three weeks your average should not exceed that,
23 would you agree with that or not, your average, as an
24 A. It really depends again on the individual because what
if ------
Q. I know that, but since I cannot tell whether I am a
26 peculiar individual or not -- well, not in this sort of
27 A. Right. Well, I think the factor there is about 10 per
cent of developed total energy, so that it will vary a bit
28 depending on the amount of energy that is recommended.
29 Q. It is saying really you should try to keep your average
intake at those levels or lower; is that what it is
30 saying?
A. Yes.