Day 021 - 29 Jul 94 - Page 15
1 the population as a whole.
2 Q. I mean, the point we made before -- I will not go over
that. If we just jump to page 45, 3.4.5, I will read out
3 the first bit: "There is a continuous increase in risk of
death from coronary heart disease with increasing serum
4 cholesterol. This is a consistent finding which has been
demonstrated both within and between populations In
5 Western societies risk of death from CHD is 4 fold greater
in the top 10 per cent than in the bottom 10 per cent of
6 the distribution of serum cholesterol. It has been
calculated that, allowing for measurement error, a 10 per
7 cent difference in serum cholesterol is associated with a
30 per cent difference in CHD rates". I will not ask you
8 about that now, but just note that.
9 Then if we read in the middle of 3.4.6, below it; middle
sentence: "As the amount of dietary saturated fatty acids
10 increases, the serum levels both of LDL cholesterol and of
total cholesterol rise".
The point I am making here is that the cholesterol content
12 of the blood is not, or intake, is not an absolute either,
is it? It is something that -- the problems are
13 compounded based upon the amount of saturated fatty acids
intake there is as well?
14 A. Sorry, what do you mean by "compounded"?
15 Q. The health risks associated with cholesterol which we all
accept are great, yes?
16 A. Well, a raised blood cholesterol level is one of the
risk factors for heart disease, but not the only one.
Q. It specifies cholesterol intake as a major consideration
18 in coronary heart disease ---
A. Sorry, where does it say this?
Q. Just say for example ----
MR. JUSTICE BELL: If we look at 3.4.6, is it saying -- we see
21 the conclusions in 3.4.5 about the correlation of CHD to
serum cholesterol. That is the amount of cholesterol
22 flowing around in our body in the blood.
A. Yes, that is right; it is the actual concentration.
Q. Yes, the concentration, and then 3.4.6, say, that in turn
24 is related to the amount of dietary SFA in the sense that
the levels of LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol
25 increase as the amount of dietary SFA increases but, in
fact, it is some SFAs only which are responsible for that
26 increase?
A. That is correct.
Q. That is what it says?
28 A. That is right.
29 Q. Among those some have more effect than others?
A. That is right.
MR. MORRIS: Underneath the last sentence I quoted, there are