Day 021 - 29 Jul 94 - Page 13
1 lower for saturated fat. I do not know what they have in
Q. It goes on in detail about that.
MS. STEEL: Is it right that the World Health Organisation
4 gives a lower recommended limit of 15 per cent of fat from
energy intake?
5 A. I am not familiar with that.
6 Q. Sorry, 15 per cent of energy intake from fat?
A. I am not familiar with that.
Q. Are you familiar with the fact that the World Health
8 Organisation gives a lower limit of 0 per cent of energy
intake from saturated fat?
9 A. That is right, yes. I seem to recall the figure. The
range they give is, I think, between 0 and 10. I mean,
10 what they mean when they give 0 as a lower limit is that
it is not essential.
Q. Right.
12 A. So I do not have any disagreement on that one.
13 MR. JUSTICE BELL: But their maximum is the recommendation
here, the 10 per cent?
14 A. No. In the grey book here the recommendation is an
average for the country as a whole.
MR. MORRIS: OK. If we just turn over to page 11.
MR. JUSTICE BELL: That is what I thought I said but
17 maybe -- if we look at 3.8.i.
18 MR. MORRIS: Where are we?
19 MR. JUSTICE BELL: On page 55. Are you saying the World Health
Organisation equivalent to that was that saturated fatty
20 acids should not provide more than 10 per cent of total
dietary energy?
21 A. To the best of my recollection, yes, that is the
position with the World Health Authority.
Q. Their figures are 0 to 10?
23 A. That is right.
24 MR. MORRIS: On that subject it would be better for health,
presumably, if it was 0 per cent; is that correct?
25 A. Again, it is some time since I have read that report.
I really cannot remember what their conclusion was on
26 that. What I do remember is they are saying the reason
for the 0 is that the saturated fats are not essential.
27 I cannot remember whether they were saying or whether they
were recommending it should go to 0 for everybody or not,
28 to be honest.
29 Q. But, in your view, as someone concerned about people's
health, would it be fair to say that the less saturated
30 fat you have the better for your health, in general?
A. Well, it is difficult to say because I suspect that