Day 019 - 27 Jul 94 - Page 28

     1        A.  No.
     2   Q.   Can you think of an animal welfare reason?
              A.  No, from terms of the birds' preference, where
     3        chickens have been provided with the facility to switch
              the lights on or off by operating a switch themselves
     4        which they have been trained to operate, one study showed
              they will elect to be in light for 80 per cent of the
     5        time.  So, from the point of view of the birds'
              preference, there is a preference for a dark period.
         MS. STEEL:   Right.  Is one of the reasons why in the broiler
     7        industry generally the lights were on for so long to
              encourage the birds to eat more?
     8        A.  That might be what some people aspire to because
              whether it actually achieves that, I am not sure whether
     9        that has been established properly, because it may work
              the other way -- you never know.
         Q.   So we should ask Mr. Pattison anyway?
    11        A.  Please do.
    12   Q.   Why do they not use much brighter lighting, normal
    13        A.  Please address that question to Dr. Pattison.  I would
              assume that they feel that is adequate.
         Q.   Right.
    15        A.  Please address that to Dr. Pattison.
    16   Q.   Going on to the nipple drinkers that you referred to:  Do
              you know when they were introduced?
    17        A.  No.
    18   Q.   Do you know whether they are in use on all Sun Valley
              poultry farms?
    19        A.  No, I do not know.
    20   Q.   I do not know whether you could be passed a photograph?
    21   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  The normal practice, if you want to put a
              photograph to a witness, is to show it to  ---
         MS. STEEL:   Mr. Rampton first.
         MR. JUSTICE BELL:  -- yes, that is right.  If need be, just say
    24        what it is about to Mr. Rampton.
    25   MS. STEEL:   It is a photograph of some chickens at Sun Valley
         MR. RAMPTON:  Date? 
         MS. STEEL:   March 1991.  The contact sheet for these was
    28        disclosed in the document and one of the photographs.
              (Handed)  Is this system in there the same drinking system
    29        as the one you saw?
              A.  No.  These are referred to as bell drinkers as
    30        distinct from nipple drinkers on a beam, so these are

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