Day 018 - 26 Jul 94 - Page 07
1 cattle. I think you visited two slaughter houses?
A. Yes.
Q. One of which was Midland Meat Packers in Northamptonshire?
3 A. Yes.
4 Q. In your report you have called those two operations or
establishments A and B?
5 A. Yes.
6 Q. A is Midland Meat Packers?
A. Yes.
Q. The reason, Dr. Gregory, I have not asked you to name
8 establishment B is that, as you have been aware, there has
been a certain amount of publicity about criminal attacks
9 on various establishments, including slaughter houses
recently. Unless his Lordship wishes to have the name of
10 the second establishment, I am not going to ask you to do
so. Do you understand?
11 A. I understand.
12 Q. Can we come to chickens? Did you visit Sun Valley's
broiler unit where the chickens are grown on, as it were,
13 before they go to be slaughtered for meat on 19th April
last year?
14 A. Yes.
15 Q. Can I ask you in broad terms this: These birds are not,
as it were, running around in a farmyard, are they? They
16 are kept in a shed?
A. Yes.
Q. Is that a fair description of it?
18 A. Yes. This was one unit I would add to your
Q. One unit?
20 A. Yes.
21 Q. I am not understanding you.
A. You said "the unit" -- this is one unit of a
22 production line.
23 Q. How many units did you see?
A. I only saw one unit.
Q. I meant the unit that you visited?
25 A. I beg your pardon.
26 Q. That is all right.
27 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Was that a Sun Valley one or a farmer from
whom they purchase chickens?
28 A. It was a Sun Valley unit.
29 MR. RAMPTON: Can I ask you, in broad terms, what are the
principal welfare conditions that are necessary in the
30 rearing of birds in enclosed broiler units?
A. There has to be adequate lighting, adequate