Day 016 - 22 Jul 94 - Page 32

     1   MS. STEEL:  I am going to move on to additives:  I am not going
              to go into massive detail because you said you are
     2        deferring to, is it, Professor Walker, I think?
              A.  Yes.
         Q.   Leaving it up to him, but as you have it in your statement
     4        we do need to deal with it a little.  Can you just tell us
              the classification system for additives?
     5        A.  I would need to refer to my notes for that.  It is not
              the kind of information I carry around in my head.
         Q.   I think it is page 61.  It starts on page 61.  Have you
     7        found it?
              A.  Yes.
         Q.   The number at the bottom?
     9        A.  Page 61, yes.
    10   Q.   Can you run through what the classification system is?
              A.  Whereabouts are you referring to on this page?
         Q.   I think it starts at the bottom.
    12        A.  The system determined by the UK.  This is for
              regulatory control.  I think this is a little bit out of
    13        date now, but certainly when I was writing this my
              understanding was that this was the way in which the
    14        Committee on Toxicology in this country would classify the
              different groups of additives, but the two that would have
    15        been reliable were "substances that the available evidence
              suggests are accepted for use in food and substances on
    16        the available evidence may be regarded as provisionally
              accepted for use in food, on which further information is
    17        required".  So all the ones that are allowed -- what ones
              there would be no reservations about and others would be
    18        allowed, but they would be kept under review and the
              manufacturers would be expected to provide additional
    19        information.
    20   Q.   Sorry.  I am not sure whether -- so the ones under
              category C and D are sometimes allowed?
    21        A.  No.
    22   Q.   They are not?
              A.  Not in my understanding.
         Q.   Does it not say "ought not to be permitted"?
    24        A.  Yes, well, one will interpret that as a recommendation
              to the regulatory authorities.
         Q.   Right. 
         MR. JUSTICE BELL:  That would apply to D as well? 
    27        A.  Yes.
    28   Q.   The same phraseology is used there.
    29   MS. STEEL:  It does not mean they sometimes are permitted?
              A.  No.  It is only the ones that go into A and B that
    30        would be allowed.  I should also point out in relation to
              the development of this type of legislation, the

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