Day 016 - 22 Jul 94 - Page 31
1 egg, I do not suppose.
2 MR. MORRIS: No. We are talking about diet, not a single
3 A. I was quite careful in the way that I worded that,
because what I do accept (in much the same way as Doll and
4 Peto) is that diet does play an important role in the
development of these degenerative diseases. But then
5 again, as you read out yourself, the precise role of the
different components in the diet is very difficult to
6 elucidate. So we may be pretty sure that diet is a factor
in the development of, shall we say, the different
7 cancers, but being able to pin point precisely what it is
in the diet is responsible for that is another matter
8 altogether.
9 Q. You are pretty certain, are you not, that heart disease
comes from high saturated fat content -- you admitted that
10 yesterday?
A. I go along with that, yes.
Q. You are an independent nutritionist as well as McDonald's
12 consultant, as you said?
A. I would like to think I am, yes.
Q. So you are concerned with diet patterns, in general, in
14 society?
A. Yes.
Q. What are you doing in this chart? Are you advocating a
16 healthy diet or are you inventing a fantasy of what
children eat in reality?
17 A. I am certainly not inventing a fantasy because all of
those foods there are ones which are commonly available.
18 Shall we just go through them again?
19 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I really think I prefer not to. You can
address me. I was not born yesterday.
MR. MORRIS: It is hard to -----
MR. JUSTICE BELL: Having been surrounded by a number of
22 children for many years, you are going to have to address
me as to whether it is realistic or not. I do not want to
23 stop you asking questions, if you want to, but a time
comes when you have laid your ground, then you make your
24 comment. It will either appeal to me or not.
25 MR. MORRIS: Right.
26 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If you have a specific point, then put it,
but I understand the point you are making.
MR. MORRIS: If I can just apologise to the court. Part of the
28 problem is we have been jumping about so much, the way the
evidence has gone, that we have been all over the place.
MR. JUSTICE BELL: I will not leave court, but you sit down
30 and talk about it for a moment.