Day 016 - 22 Jul 94 - Page 27

     1        A.  Could I have a copy of those, please?
     2   MR. RAMPTON:  They are in tab 6.
     3   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  After table 2 in your statement, tab 5, was
         MR. RAMPTON:  99B in tab 6 in the yellow bundle, sorry.  Volume
     5        V, turn to section 6.
     6   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  99B.
     7   MR. RAMPTON:  99B.
              A.  Yes, I am there now.
         MS. STEEL:  I have not had much time to look through these, so
     9        I cannot ask a great deal of questions, but I think
              yesterday we were talking about chips.  I was asking you
    10        to make a comparison between a potato and McDonald's
              french fry.  I think you made some kind of -- I do not
    11        know whether "sneering" would be too strong a word --
              comment that children preferred to eat chips to boiled
    12        potatoes or any other type of potato?
              A.  Well, if you interpreted it as sneering, I apologise
    13         -- I did not mean that.  But certainly it is true that in
              many households children -- as your Lordship pointed out,
    14        their mums actually prefer chips to boiled potatoes --
              I do know that many schools that have attempted to
    15        introduce or to offer boiled potatoes or maybe baked
              potatoes as an alternative to chips invariably find there
    16        is a much greater demand for chips.
    17   Q.   Bearing that in mind, do you think that these diet plans
              that you have drawn up for children are realistic examples
    18        of what children might eat?
              A.  Let me just look through again.  As you probably
    19        realise, we have prepared five different diets for the
              Saturday and then separate diets for all the other days of
    20        the week.  You will see that they contain shepherds pie,
              chocolate biscuits, fish fingers, roast chicken, chicken
    21        curry and rice, breaded chicken portion, battered cod,
              chip potatoes -- chips are in there as it happens on one
    22        of them -- Yorkshire pudding and roast beef.  These are
              all pretty common diets and again, at the end of the day,
    23        it is up to each individual household what it is they
              choose.  If they want to choose chips with everything and
    24        cauliflower cheese with lots of things that are high in
              fat, again I am sure we are both agreed that they will not
    25        meet the dietary recommendations for the whole week.
    26   Q.   Do you know how many children like eating All Bran for 
              breakfast?  Do you not think something like Frosties or 
    27        Sugar Puffs are more likely?
              A.  I have no idea.
         Q.   You do not know?
    29        A.  They may or they not do.  It probably depends on what
              their own personal preferences are, to what extent their
    30        parents try to influence then.

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