Day 016 - 22 Jul 94 - Page 26
1 A. I think we ought to look at the paragraph which is
headed: "Variety: One thing everyone agrees on"; again
2 if you go down a bit: "A balanced diet includes foods
from each of four basic food groups each day. Just in
3 case you don't remember them, for adults the minimum
recommendations are: 1. Four servings of bread, cereals
4 and other grain products; 2. Four servings of fruit and
vegetables; 3. Two 3 oz. servings of meat, poultry, fish
5 or eggs; 4. Two servings of milk, cheese, or yoghurt".
How much more explicit do you want them to be?
Q. Does it say, for example, "choose lean meat, fish, poultry
7 without skin"?
A. No, it does not. But it does go on to say "How to get
8 the most out of McDonald's". "In order to balance your
diet, here are the minimum additional servings recommended
9 for the rest of the day. Low fat dairy products 2
servings, fruits and vegetables 4 servings, protein 1
10 serving."
11 So, it seems to me it is perfectly reasonable -- at the
end of the day it has to be a matter of judgment just how
12 much actual detail you put in. I mean, you can write
books on the stuff.
Q. We have already seen it does not say anything about sodium
14 and high blood pressure?
A. No, as far as I can see, looking through it quickly,
15 the only reference there is "Avoid too much sodium", and
I am sure that if you read this in conjunction with other
16 information which is put out on the, which explains in
detail the composition of individual items, then I am sure
17 that all the information is there for anyone who wants it.
18 Q. Basically, the nutritional advice given there would not
be much help to people unless they had another source of
19 information that was more detailed?
A. I would not disagree with that.
Q. As a matter of interest, do you happen to know how many
21 customers are given copies to read of McDonald's Annual
22 A. No.
23 MR. JUSTICE BELL: We may hear some evidence about it, but
Corporate Annual Reports in this country are sent to
24 shareholders. They may be sent to other people as well?
A. That is right.
Q. But can you help on whether they are sent to people who
26 may use the facilities of the company or not? Can you say
anything about that?
27 A. No. I just have no information on that whatsoever,
but I think it probably follows that this publication
28 here, namely the Annual Report, would not be directed at
MS. STEEL: If we could move on to the charts of which we were
30 given a copy last night, which was the background towards
the charts that you prepared previously?