Day 016 - 22 Jul 94 - Page 22
1 used again was "established" a causal link?
A. Yes.
Q. You said you cannot recall any. Have there been studies
3 which have claimed to have indicated a causal link -- you
realise the difference between establish and link -- or
4 are you saying you cannot remember any at all?
A. It is a complete minefield.
MR. MORRIS: Does that mean that some have, though, claimed to
6 have found a causal link?
A. There have been all kinds of conclusions; some say
7 there have; some say they have not; you pays your money,
you takes your choice.
MR. JUSTICE BELL: We will break off until 10 to 12.
(Short Adjournment)
MS. STEEL: We have seen some studies showing a statistical
11 link between a diet high in fat and low in fibre and
cancer. Based on that, is it reasonable for people to
12 give advice that such a diet, high in fat and low in
fibre, is linked -- has been linked to cancer of the
13 breast and bowel?
A. I think I should say first of all that my position on
14 this would be roughly the same as it is in the grey book,
which deals in summary with the work that has been done on
15 the role of fat and breast cancer and on colon cancer.
Whether one is relating to cancer or heart disease or
16 stroke, there is no question -- I accept that in this
country it is advisable to reduce our total fat and to
17 reduce our saturated fat.
18 It says the specific targets in the health of the nation
that we should reduce our total fat intake by 12 per cent
19 between 1990 and the year 2005, that we should reduce our
saturated fat by 35 per cent between 1990 and the year
20 2005. I have gone on record saying I have supported it;
McDonald's have gone on record as saying they support
21 these targets for the health of the nation. Again I do
not think there is any disagreement between us on that.
Q. You have not answered the question: Based on the studies
23 we have seen showing a statistical link, is it reasonable
for people to give advice that a diet high in fat and low
24 in fibre has been linked to cancer of the breast and
25 A. Quite frankly, we have got to the point where that is
MR. JUSTICE BELL: Who are the people you are talking about?
MS. STEEL: Anybody.
MR. JUSTICE BELL: In the context of this case I think it would
29 be helpful if you were more specific. Are you putting to
the witness that McDonald's should have said that?
MS. STEEL: No. I am asking whether it is reasonable for