Day 016 - 22 Jul 94 - Page 19
MR. MORRIS: Could I come in? Let us just say statistically
2 associated, yes? You have quoted a number of those in
your statement. Is it true that in your statement you
3 have criticised scientific studies that have linked
statistically associated a diet high in saturated fats and
4 various cancers?
A. What I have said is that it is extremely difficult to
5 establish the cause, at least, what the role of diet is in
the development of different cancers for a whole variety
6 of reasons which I explained the other day.
7 Q. But a number of people have done that, and you have
criticised them?
8 A. People have looked at different aspects at the end of
the day.
MR. JUSTICE BELL: Can we just pause because, do you really
10 mean that people have established ---
11 MR. MORRIS: No.
12 MR. JUSTICE BELL: -- the cause, because when the witness said:
"It is extremely difficult to establish the cause", you
13 said: "Well, a lot of people have done that". I am not
sure that is what your case is.
MR. MORRIS: I give an example on page 26.
MR. JUSTICE BELL: They may have reached the conclusion in
16 their own minds that it be so, I do not know.
17 MR. MORRIS: I do not know why Mr. Wheelock does not want to
say what he said in his statement. You have said in your
18 statement, have you not, that a number of studies, there
may be tens, hundreds or thousands, have drawn the
19 conclusion that there is a link with, not necessarily a
causal link but certainly a statistical link between a
20 diet height in saturated fats and cancer of the breast and
colon, for example, is that correct?
21 A. There would be -- there is a research which has been
done which suggests there is an association between. But
22 let me go on and reiterate that if a person has a diet
which is restricted to a limited number of foods and that
23 has a high fat content, has a high salt content, then I am
not in the least surprised that they have disease
24 problems. That I think we can probably -----
25 Q. Breast and colon cancer?
A. It might turn out to be like that.
MR. JUSTICE BELL: I want you to pause for a moment. You put
27 to the witness: "You have said in your statement, have you
not, that a number of studies -- there may be tens,
28 hundreds or thousands -- have drawn the conclusion that
there is a link"; then you said, "not necessarily a causal
29 link but a statistical link". If that is so, I would like
to be referred to where that is in Professor Wheelock's
30 statement so I can take it on board.