Day 016 - 22 Jul 94 - Page 08
1 MS. STEEL: No, I am just saying it could be misleading unless
you look at it carefully.
2 A. It is perfectly possible that people could have
breakfast at home and then pop into McDonald's on their
3 way to the office, or wherever they are going.
4 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You would be a bit daft if you had your
Thursday night snack -- well, maybe that is right; maybe
5 you could have a slice of angel cake and a half of
strawberries and then go home.
MS. STEEL: You would have difficulty on Monday morning if you
7 ate your shredded wheat at home but you had your low fat
milk at McDonald's.
MR. JUSTICE BELL: That was not the intention on this chart?
9 A. No, I do not think so, as far as I know, but I think
what I would point out is that if you look at the ones
10 that have the lines on the outside, as far as can I see
there are eight where everything comes from McDonald's.
MS. STEEL: Yes, some of them are just snacks?
12 A. Yes, but some people go to McDonald's for a snack.
13 MR. JUSTICE BELL: They are not particularly well highlighted
on the photocopy.
14 A. That is true.
15 MR. RAMPTON: I think maybe the witness ought to have a look at
the original because on the original one can see very
16 clearly that the complete meals are picked out.
17 MS. STEEL: I am aware of that. I am just saying if people do
not look carefully.
18 A. Again without going into detail about the data on
visits to McDonald's, I think it will be clear that it
19 would be a very, very small proportion of customers in
McDonald's who would eat anything like as much as that in
20 a McDonald's during the course of one week.
21 Q. Right.
22 MR. JUSTICE BELL: We went through that yesterday.
23 MS. STEEL: As a final point, without the figures behind, this
chart is basically meaningless because no-one can examine
24 it and criticise it because they just do not know what it
is based on?
25 A. I do not quite follow what your point is. This is
purely for the purposes of demonstration. It indicates
26 that it is perfectly feasible to have a very substantial
proportion of products that a person eats during the week
27 that are bought and are consumed in McDonald's and that
fit into a total diet and that the diet, as a whole, meets
28 the recommendations. There is nothing more than that.
29 Q. The first chart is for someone with a 3,000 calorie
intake, is it not?
30 A. It is, yes.