Day 010 - 11 Jul 94 - Page 20
1 announced that they were going to no longer use or they
were instructing their suppliers to no longer use CFC
2 agents in the manufacture of their foam food packages.
3 Q. While we are on CFCs, let us look into the CFC issue. Let
me just gather my thoughts.
MR. JUSTICE BELL: Just pause a moment.
MR. MORRIS: Were there protests or public legislation?
MR. JUSTICE BELL: Can you pause a moment? I want to look at
7 part of the -- You are moving off manufacture now for the
time, are you?
MR. MORRIS: It is part of it, but if you wanted to ask
9 questions then ----
10 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is not I want to ask questions, I want to
understand the evidence. I am looking at the bottom of
11 the third sheet of what I have from Mr. Lipsett, that is
the first page after his CV, and the bottom half of that
12 page, or bottom third of the page deals with production.
13 There are three paragraphs under "Minimisation of
Hazardous Waste" on that page. The first two certainly
14 seem to be related to some of the evidence I have had so
far. But Mr. Lipsett has not actually been asked
15 questions directed at that, so what I really need to know
is whether, regardless of any questions you ask him or any
16 answers Mr. Lipsett gives, you want his statement to be
read into his evidence in any event or taken to be part of
17 his evidence in any event or not.
18 MR. MORRIS: That would be appreciated. Can it be taken as
read or does it have to be read out?
MR. JUSTICE BELL: It need not be read out. I have a statement
20 which was faxed on Sunday July 25th 1993, or I have
various pages of it.
21 A. Yes, OK.
22 MR. MORRIS: Can we formally just request that it is taken as
MR. JUSTICE BELL: You say the contents of that statement are
24 true and accurate, do you?
A. That is correct. I would note that I am aware of
25 comments raised in previous testimony.
26 Q. Subject to anything you say in answer to Miss Steel,
Mr. Morris or Mr. Rampton in due course, you would stand
27 by that statement?
A. I would stand by that statement and add that the
28 statements of Mr. Kouchoukos with regard to spelling
errors ----
MR. JUSTICE BELL: You will get a chance to deal with that.
30 I am not terribly worried about spelling errors, but
subject to any further comment which comes out in the