Devin's willy
Did you really think there was a picture of Devin's willy?! Well there is a willy but who's is it? is it 'hey dude I'm Brian and I surf? Devin 'instant family man'? Ben 'look man I'm a campaigner alright - I can be up here - I've been (s)elected'? or maybe Helena's lovely hairy armpits - poooey?! or is it Ding Donger Dave and the OWO Alliance? Long live the Empire that's what we say!
All answers kept secret plweeeeease.
The next edition of take the mickey will include Helen 'Woman of Steel' cos you're 1,000's of miles away and what ya gonna do eh!? Dan 'Look Body Shop reallly ARE bad y'know!' and Franny 'I'm not so strong really - I'm a cute little pop-fan at heart ... now where's me dat machine, that sounded almost real and from the heart, must practice it and get it right.'
Disclaimer: if anyone complains or tries to find fault with this page, we the authors whole-heartedly apologise on your behalf for being somewhat uptight and trying to deprive everyone else of a little bit of humour. If you didn't want such things to happen you should get out of the Spotlight! Any action taken over the contents herein and/or hereof will be held as being the actions of a cretin and told to F.Off.
Merry festive and seasons greetings everyone.