Want to find out more about protests and opposition to McDonald's?
Check out the Campaigns pages.

- Play Time Is Over, Kiddies. - Zarathustra, The Order of Zarathustra, Humanity, March 02 19100
- Help Wanted: No McDonalds Please - Taggart And Chris, JAM (Jasper Against McDonalds), Canada, February 25 19100
- Help Wanted: No McDonalds Please - Chris and Taggart, JAM, Canada, February 25 19100
- I think you're all missing the point - Matthew, Australia, February 24 19100
- Leaflet Campaigns Are Hiprocritical - Matthew, Australia, February 24 19100
- Anyone know any Anti-Maccas group in my area?? - Fiona V, Melbourne, Australia, February 23 19100
- Mc Donalds discriminates against disabled - Jason, Australia, February 23 19100
- sick of mcdonalds rlitter dumped outside my house - DARREN BROWN, AUSTRALIA, February 22 19100
- Anti-McDonalds Group - Vegan Phill, YorkLEAF, York, England, February 18 19100
- help!!!-image for article? - katie, uk, February 17 19100
- Guys Be Civilised - Tall Boy, Canada, January 29 19100
- I'm not saying anything to McDonal but to all of you viewers - Tall Boy, Canada, January 29 19100
- University Endowment Scandal and Bush Campaign - SS, BMC, USA, January 19 19100
- McD in Swindon - Messenger, UK, January 17 19100
- Theater Production About Baby Formula Marketing - Aram Kouyoumdjian, Vista Players, U.S.A., January 11 19100
- Keeping McDonald's on our corner from getting a drivethru, and possibly getting them to move altogether - Mary E. Holloway-Hug, USA, January 10 19100
- Boycott Mc Donalds - Joseph, Switzerland, January 10 19100
- CHRISTMAS SONG FOR MCDONALD'S - Nuala, Hinchley Wood Resident, UK, December 27 1999
- We are with you K - Eleventh Hour laborer, USA, December 19 1999
- McDonalds boycott - K, December 14 1999
- Protest in Harrow, Middx, England - Sat 11 Dec 12.00 - IainB, SCAM, UK, December 07 1999
- WTO, Seattle, and Frankenfoods - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, U$A, December 06 1999
- sweat shops - jocelyn, November 29 1999
- protests in gloucestershire - James Beecher, England, November 15 1999
- Would like more follow-up on French Farmers' Resistance to McDonalds - Maria, Quebec - Canada, November 07 1999
- BIG PROTEST 28TH NOVEMBER- manchester! BE THERE! - DAVID HENRY, Direct Action Youth UK, UNITED KINGDOM, November 05 1999
- reply to hillbilly on McD foam or paper packaging - SS, USA, November 05 1999
- The antidote to rainforest destruction - Fruitarian Network, USA, November 05 1999
- Paper packaging - Anthony, Earthlife, South Africa, November 05 1999
- McDonald's is killing our Rainforest!!!!! - Vannesa, November 01 1999
- vivesection - jo, england, October 31 1999
- vivesection - anon, none, england, October 31 1999
- End to McD Advertising Called For On CSpan - SS, BMC, USA, October 29 1999
- Parents/Residents Campaign in Harrow, England - Our victory and some wider thoughts - IainB, United Kingdom, October 21 1999
- I have a question - Bethany Bane, United States, October 20 1999
- ABC and McD Subliminal Advertising - S Shriver, BMC, US, October 20 1999
- Will burning McDonalds help??????? - Prop, Holland, October 10 1999
- krossa mcdonalds - Timo , Finlands väl, soumi, October 10 1999
- Union......no way!!!!!!!!!!! - Paul, Country Victoria, Australia, October 07 1999
- Mc Donalds SUX - kathleen Embry, western Australia, Australia, October 01 1999
- McD's advertising and children. - Kalvin P. Chapman, UK, September 27 1999
- krossa mcdonnalds - thomas jonsson, folkbladet, swe, September 09 1999
- anti Mc day in France? - Alexandre, France, September 03 1999
- French Resistance to U$ Frankenfoods - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, U$A, August 25 1999
- Join the Hacktivism e-mail list! - Grugnog, Tao, UK, August 25 1999
- Direct action against mcdonalds - worldwide - kyle patton, Direct Action Solidarity Network, canada, August 21 1999
- Residents Against McDonald's (Pascoe Vale, Australia) - Robyn, RAM, Australia, August 19 1999
- Try not to buy out-of-season fruits & veg - Mary O'Grady, USA, August 19 1999
- punk/hardcore record label - andy reid, -, uk, August 17 1999
- mexico j18 - dobedooo, August 06 1999
- isoko address nigeria j18 - dobedooo, August 06 1999
- Think Globally-BUY LOCAL!!!!!!!!!! - Darya, USA, August 06 1999
- Information PLEASE - Shoshanah Wall, Ausralia, July 26 1999
- wanted: anti_ronald campaigners. - Aaron, Australia, June 01 1999
- Environmentally friendly? - Bullie, JTS, Australia, May 20 1999
- Geneticly altered foods - adam, USA, May 14 1999
- mcgreedy campain - Holly, Auckland, new zealand, May 11 1999
- McDonalds also do some good - Kaydaiyne, Australia, May 05 1999
- Are you all nuts? - Kaydaiyne, Student Leader, Australia, May 05 1999
- australian campaigns - natasha, australia, April 27 1999
- Sweatshops - Suzanne, USA, April 17 1999
- Australian test cases - Lara, Tasmania University Union, Australia, April 16 1999
- sweatshops? - melissa, March 31 1999
- Anti mcdonalds - Simon Jones, Hereford 6 form college, england, March 30 1999
- National Day of Action Against Curfew - Trey Thomas, Reporter, WTVT FOX 13, Tampa, FL USA, March 22 1999
- McDonalds that close down - Not rare enough - Tim, Australia, March 16 1999
- U$ to ram tainted beef down Europe's throat-fight back! - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, U$A, March 05 1999
- Macdonald's statistics - N Ulmer, pers, CH, February 18 1999
- Send It Back - Carolyn, Australia, February 10 1999
- Restaurant??DUH - Gedski, February 06 1999
- a little cautious - lu-lu, us, January 28 1999
- not 'Only McDonalds'? - Melissa, Australia, January 25 1999
- Saying no to McDonalds - Carolyn, Australia, January 24 1999
- If you were my client - J.B. Harris, Attorney at Law, U.S.A, January 21 1999
- Chicken Lady - Dan, PETA, USA, January 17 1999
- Live McLibel Web Event - Rex, McSpotlight, UK, January 14 1999
- Explotation of the unwealthy masses - Anon, UK, January 14 1999
- McDonald's et.al. - Mary, U.S.A., December 29 1998
- MacDonalds + Litter - Adrienne Stephens, Barwon Waste Management Group, Australia, December 16 1998
- Protests - Luke Downing, USA, December 14 1998
- POLSKI MCSPOTLIGHT NOW OPEN. - Fatty, USA, December 14 1998
- Animal protests - Crystal, Canada, December 12 1998
- Animal protests - Crystal, Canada, December 12 1998
- Effective change through investment??? - Ryan Banks, University Of Waterloo , Canada, December 10 1998
- McDonalds SUCK! - Little Miss Anti McDonalds, Australia, December 06 1998
- McDonalds SUCK! - Little Miss Anti McDonalds, Australia, December 06 1998
- Global 'McLibel' screening - call for participants - Franny Armstrong, One-Off Productions, UK, November 26 1998
- Organising protests in Birmingham, England Help!! - Be Sweet , Brummies against BigMacks, November 24 1998
- tree huggers - Jane, CT., U.S.A, November 22 1998
- weeds - person, =====, usa, November 22 1998
- Having trouble organising anti-McDonalds protest actions?? - Hilde, Holland, November 19 1998
- macdonalds - alan, uk, November 14 1998
- what's the fuss about?? - archie, usa, November 08 1998
- mcDonald's - angel, usa, November 07 1998
- Why? - Si, England, October 31 1998
- Why Not? - BASE727{mad cow patrol}, L.S-A.P., Canada, November 06 1998
- Calling all amateur radio operators! - Hugh Morris, and I thought Groucho Marx invented the , USA, October 29 1998
- ELF vs McD's? - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, U$A, October 28 1998
- E-mail me! - Mark , Tidy Britain Group, England, October 22 1998
- Koalas - Jane Salmon, Nature Conservation Council of NSW, Australia, October 09 1998
- worlwide day of action against mcd ??? - LILI, FRANCE, October 05 1998
- Ethical Consumption - Should People Waited 3 hours to buy a Snoopy World Traveller Meal Toy? - Thinker, Hong Kong Marketing Consultant, Hong Kong, October 05 1998
- Clearcut loggin ban on Oregon Ballott - James Moose, Yes on 64, Amerikkka, October 02 1998
- Organizing anti-McDonalds demonstrations!! - Hilde, September 28 1998
- McDonald's in Residential areas - M Y Qureshi, private, Pakistan, September 28 1998
- McDonalds continuing U.K. Blitzkreig - Stealing our local pub - Soupdraggon, United Kingdom, September 28 1998
- abuse of labour - giju varghese, ster kinekor theatres, south africa, September 26 1998
- Anti-McDonalds demonstrations in HOLLAND - Hilde, Holland, September 15 1998
- Wrongful firing after drug test - Brad Downing, Phoenix Color Corporation, USA, September 14 1998
- streaking info - scott, australia, September 01 1998
- CAMPAIGNS AGAINST MCD IN IRELAND? - Grace, Ireland, August 27 1998
- More than just flavour enhancers?? - Cornelius, Noodlethrong Authority Disassemblers, Australia, August 19 1998
- You people are all FREAKS - Sherman, USA, August 14 1998
- Go on explain. - Tris, Uk, October 25 1999
- I'm writing a paper about why meat consumption is wrong - Andrew DiNardo, student at Emory U., US, October 22 1998
- Do you understand about McGenocide? - The Green Baize Vampire, none, Sydney, N. S. W. , Australia, September 14 1998
- Freakish and proud - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, U$A, August 17 1998
- Reviewing... - Samuel Day Fassbinder, Citizens for Growing Up, USA, August 16 1998
- search for illustrations - Silence magazine, Silence, France, August 12 1998
- Shutting off McDeath at the gas - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, U$A, August 06 1998
- education - Wacks, Sigmund Freud Gesellschaft, Austria/Vienna, July 28 1998
- New campaign to stop Big mac - Nevis4, Nerston Residents Association, Scotland, July 21 1998
- MCDO AND UNIONS - tony zapper, CANADA, July 13 1998
- Solidarity Picket for Sacked McD's Strikers - Jason Adams, Industrial Workers of the World, United States, July 02 1998
- Fast Food Outlets in National Parks - Gillian Appleton, EFFECTS, Australia, June 18 1998
- blur - vala, ?, ??, June 08 1998
- What? - Yes, Canada, June 01 1998
- Re-usable plates etc - James Avery, Edin. Univ/Architecture/Green Soc, Scotland, May 29 1998
- McD's new Edinburgh store - James Avery, Edin. Univ/Architecture/Green Soc, Scotland, May 29 1998
- Calvinist Cronies of Capitalism - Quincunx, IWW, May 28 1998
- narrow minded biggots - colin boxall, macdonalds, uk, May 26 1998
- THIS AIN'T PERSONAL, ITS DEMOCRACY - Soup, U.K., October 09 1998
- Sure, people should be allowed to express their views - katie, BMS, Australia, August 07 1998
- Freedom of speech... - Gideon Hallett., n/a, UK, May 26 1998
- In defense of the letter K - Dan, USA, May 07 1998
- Afirmative Action - Nickie Aeh, USA, May 05 1998
- McMOMS - Tony D., It's a man thing, USA, April 29 1998
- MOre info - Denie Campos, US, April 24 1998
- McPlate Feast Please: Disposables v Reusables - John Sutton Cath Moore, The Greens, Australia, April 24 1998
- France in panic about Ronald hostages - Boud Roukema, France, April 20 1998
- Mauthausen McDonalds - Terry Thompson, England, April 13 1998
- McDonalds and the Nazi concentration camps - Terry Thompson, England, April 13 1998
- Frosting slogans into window glass - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, United Snakes of AmeriKKKa, April 07 1998
- What's that smell? - redwolff, April 06 1998
- Monopoly In Ontario! - Jenn Schwarz, Ontario Canada, April 01 1998
- sweatshops - Corrie, Canada, March 27 1998
- DC Protest Report - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, USA, March 24 1998
- CORRECTION-DC Protest is March 21st - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, USA, March 17 1998
- Down with MacDonalds - Lyn Roby , USA, March 15 1998
- Saturday, March 14, McD's in DC (the one across from the Uptown Movie theater). Be there. - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, USA, March 11 1998
- streaking - geoff brady, usa, February 22 1998
- Afirmative Action - The Lark, ICA, Ireland, February 10 1998
- Ice Skating Commercial - RDuppy, None, USA, February 09 1998
- the uneducated is the easiest to control - le-le, usa, February 09 1998
- Seeking working-class studs. at elite U's - Alice Foeller, Northwestern U, USA, January 15 1998
- The Writings of Valdas Anelauskas - Rolanda, USA, January 13 1998
- No place is perfect - sick of bleeding heart liberals who bemoan society's ills while sipping their wine, January 19 1998
- clothing - k hayes, us, January 11 1998
- Are you all insane? - Jason P, Citizens for the , USA, January 07 1998
- McDonalds - Wayne Lake, Canada, December 31 1997
- McDonalds - Bill Witter, Dean Witter, USA, December 31 1997
- too much time on your hands - baby, canada, April 26 1998
- did somebody say McMurder? - Susan Perna, Tidewater Animal Defense, USA, June 23 1998
- Just got back from court and it couldn't have gone better! - Sue Perna, July 02 1998
- The customers need to also be the ones taking a stand. - Joshua Aaron, Yakima, WA USA, March 01 1999
- rant against tree huggers - xstzx, August 08 1998
- Great job! - john, February 15 1999
- im a tree hugger!!!! - allen butterfield, greenpeace, usa, November 04 1998
- waste of time - Allen Butterfield, everywhere, November 04 1998
- Kicking animal abusing ass! - Sue Perna, Tidewater Animal Defense, USA, August 14 1998
- Demo' Report.... - Sue Perna, Tidewater Animal Defense, U.S.A., September 01 1998
- NAME CALLING - Richard Clark McDonald, Isle of Skye- Snow Camp NC, USA, December 31 1997
- Bird Flu McNuggets and fries,please - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, USA, December 30 1997
- Boud,let me elaborate. - james r, uk, December 19 1997
- Ronald goes to football (or soccer as some call it) - Stuart, UK, December 19 1997
- The fall of the lower middle class-or,no regrets - jr, uk, December 16 1997
- Protest - Jennifer Seymour, Citizens for Animal Rights & the Environment, United States, December 14 1997
- To those seeing the struggle as an opportunity for intellectual philosophising. - james r, self, uk, December 12 1997
- Boud, get off the board! - james r, liverpool,england, December 12 1997
- Vote with a bullet - james, self, uk, December 12 1997
- Violence: when is it necessary-self defense& defense of another who is innocent - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, USA, December 12 1997
- portray themselves as Disneyland - CRUSTY, THE STATES OF DEATH, December 12 1997
- Gandalf 3: caveat against violence - Boud Roukema, France, December 05 1997
- Free Eduacation - GERARD, A CITIZEN ALSO, Mult-tendency Socialists, N.Ireland, December 03 1997
- SEXIST -campaign? - alexis, USA, December 03 1997
- getting out the anti-McSlop message - Lang T., US, December 03 1997
- Liberation Collective - neAux, US of A, December 02 1997
- Mad Cow disease as a deterrent - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, USA, November 25 1997
- Freak Out their coustomers - Dave, Coventry University, England, November 19 1997
- Campaigns in Sweden? - Anton, Sweden, November 19 1997
- Shell-Ogoni - Twanisha, STL Coalition for Human Rights, usa, November 19 1997
- McDonald's in France - Twanisha, n/a, usa, November 18 1997
- Anti-McDonald's Day - Steve, none, UK, November 10 1997
- Attention Agitators - The Everett Citizen, Industrial Workers of the World, One Big Union, October 25 1997
- We have to do something against this! - TATIANA, Brazil, October 18 1997
- DO THIS, NOT THAT. - Marcelo Carvalhaes, Against McDonald`s, Brazil, October 18 1997
- Adidas - John Fernadez, Committee on International Awareness, USA, October 06 1997
- Nike Town - K P Ng, K P Harta, Malaysia, October 04 1997
- Mc Donalds leaflets - Sholto Maud, Student, Australia, September 12 1997
- Debate this! - Doug, NJ, USA, September 05 1997
- I know what you saying - J Schwarz, Canada, April 01 1998
- oh, come on... - Mattias Swing, Sweden, October 05 1997
- the underdog always wins when it matters - John, September 23 1997
- you are an advertisers best friend - skye, USA, September 15 1997
- who wrote this - Mira, West Chester Rock City, PA, September 11 1997
- Dachau and McDonalds? - Sheridan Pauker, USA, August 06 1997
- Hornsey N8 Campaign - New Homepage for noMac - Mark Serlin, noMac, UK, July 25 1997
- WELL DONE! ON OZ NEWS OF MACCERS' DEFEAT - Jane McSalmon, Independent activist, Australia, July 21 1997
- Traffic pollution - Mark Serlin, NOMAC, UK, July 16 1997
- New Campaign (London N8) - Mark Serlin, U K, July 12 1997
- New McD - rn, uk, July 10 1997
- nike - 'great business sense' - Josh Lafranchi, De La Salle College, Australia, July 09 1997
- boycott Wendy's - harley, canada, July 05 1997
- SUCCESSFUL ADELAIDE PROTESTS JUNE 28 - Jane Salmon, Individual Supporter, Australia, July 01 1997
- THE NEXT STEPS FOR AUSSIE McLIBEL SUPPORTERS - Jane Salmon, McIndividual / Freelancer, Australia, June 23 1997
- DAY OF ACTION 20 JUNE 1997 AUSTRALIA - Jane Salmon, McIndividual, Australia, June 21 1997
- radical=poor promotion - Ping, China , June 19 1997
- Demonstration in Sweden - Justice, Sweden, May 21 1997
- Seeking activists in Los Angeles - G. Czene, May 18 1997
- new store - chris nelson, usa, May 15 1997
- comercial campain - Frankwin Scheve, Zwolle, Netherlands, May 15 1997
- Shell Oil actions - 14th May - Anna Key, Crude Operators, UK, May 13 1997
- Open McDonald in Paris (France) - Labidi Noelle, FUNDP, BELGIUM, May 12 1997
- Survey--please help! - Olivia Leland, Student, Harvard University, USA, May 03 1997
- more stores - kent burton , white, us, May 02 1997
- Los Angeles Actions - G. Czene, USA, April 22 1997
- Planning permission for big M signs - Don't want a mcdonalds, Falmouth, Cornwall, UK, April 01 1997
- Shell Oil actions in Peru - Anon, EarthCulture, Peru, April 01 1997
- Activists in San Francisco? - Jonathan Cronin, USA, March 31 1997
- Mcdonald's in Residential zones. - Amy Chua, None, Australia, March 29 1997
- McDonald's Boycott! - Bart S., Canada, March 20 1997
- More McDonald invasions of Tasmania, Aust...Help!! - Vanessa, Australia, March 18 1997
- macinvasion of Portland Victoria Australia...muck in the park !! - danny, portland victoria, australia, March 12 1997
- mickeDs sux - kEvIn CaPLiCKi, UsA, March 07 1997
- MACrap - LULA, MAGAZINE, IRELAND, February 28 1997
- Tidy Britain Group - Stuart, Scotland, February 23 1997
- Nike Town - Christopher Verdant, Overcoming Consumerism, USA, February 15 1997
- Letter-writing campaign re: Breastfeeding in McDonald's - M.Kirsch, USA, February 08 1997
- BOOBS - ELMA, USA, March 13 1997
- any other clevelanders out there?? - Andrea Strnad, Cleveland, OHIO USA, January 30 1997
- Complaining information about Mcspotlight - lechuga verde, Informacion y Libertad-Information & Freedom, Spain-España, January 21 1997
- Calling All Activists! - Liberation Collective, Portland, OR, USA, January 18 1997
- mcdonalds - muzzy man, rng, usa, January 14 1997
- researching McDonald's - Taifa Murry, student, USA, January 07 1997
- death to McDonalds - Britches, night time is the best time, January 06 1997
- Does anyone want to start a Lloyd's campaign? - Philip Colfox, CHeated Lloyds victim, UK, December 14 1996
- My Support - Swiss Carrots, TCF (Swiss Division), November 22 1996
- Monsanto/genetically engineered soybeans - margaret weston, Austin Greens, Austin, Texas USA, November 17 1996
- MacDonalds invading Haarlem - Steve Mabey, Netherlands, November 09 1996
- Pranks - Nicole, United States, November 08 1996
- World Day - Report from Indiana - Anon, USA, October 18 1996
- World Day - report from Oxford - Pixie, Oxford Earth First!, UK, October 18 1996
- The subject - Stacey, USA, October 16 1996
- streaking - brett clancy, mildura, australia, October 02 1996
- End Corporate Dominance Campaign - Earth First!, September 30 1996
- hmmm...What about VOMITING?!?! - Emile, Australasia, August 01 1996
- Wrongful Dissmissal and what I intend to do about it! - Ronjon Sircar, Canada, July 20 1996
- Fighting McD's in Red Hook, NY - Lucy Hayden, July 01 1996
- Protest in SA - Derek Main, South Africa, June 14 1996
- Re: Protest in SA - Josh Harper, Anarchists for Animals, No borders to confine me, January 14 1997
- Communities v. McDonald's - Joseph DiSalle, 49-50 Street Block Association, USA, May 20 1996
- Starting a campaign against Burger King - Bennett Hall, San Fransisco, USA, May 17 1996
- Streaking through McDonald's - Thomas Crouch, Australia, May 04 1996
- Help needed - rainforest campaign, British Colombia - Sydney Haskell, President, Carmanah Forestry Society, Canada, May 04 1996
- Page for communities fighting McD's? - Eddie Scheer, USA, May 04 1996
- Opposition to new store, Port Washington, New York - Paul Aloe, USA, May 04 1996
- Seeking activists in Chicagoland/ NW Indiana - Kevin Geiman, USA, May 04 1996
- Demo report - plant in McD's - Marine Lab, New Zealand, May 04 1996
- Printing leaflets - John, USA, May 02 1996
- Opposition to new McD's-Penzance,UK - Ruth Lewarne, UK, May 02 1996
- What are we fighting for? - Craig Kline, May 02 1996
- Help needed - McD's destroying trees - J. Rasmussen, May 02 1996
- Any campaigning students out there? - Chris Vance, May 02 1996
- Ronald bought at auction - Traci Confer, May 02 1996