6th - 16th February 1996
Each week McSpotlight will be updated on how the world's press has covered McLibel, McDonald's and multinationals in general.

Thursday 8 February, Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)
McDonald's claims that 6 million Australians are visiting its stores each week, the paper reports. "The chain is planning to build a record 100 new outlets in the next year, bringing the nation's total to 632."
Saturday 10 February, Independent (UK)
The McLibel case is mentioned in the context of proposed changes to the British libel laws. The Government aims to introduce new fast-track procedures for small damages claims in libel cases, and a defence of "innocent dissemination" to protect distributors of print media, live TV and Internet providers.
London Northwest CWU branch magazine (UK)
Article reviews the employment aspects of the McLibel trial.
Tuesday 6 February, The Times (UK)
"In the USA McDonald's is to phase out a five year-old product known as the McLean Deluxe which boasted just half the fat of a regular Quarter Pounder, because of the hostile reception from consumers... Sales of the low fat burger were so slow company officials concluded that its experiment with healthier foods had failed."