- McJobs and Workers -
corporate predators working hand-in-hand with the government
Posted by: Luke Kuhn ( Utopian Anarchist Party, USA ) on November 01, 1997 at 13:19:02:
In Reply to: Re: McDonalds in our schools posted by mom on October 24, 1997 at 02:23:21:

This is a perfect example of what I have been saying elsewhere about corporate predators working hand-in-hand with the government every step of the way. This is why anarchists and many other "anti-government" folks target multi-national corporations. Remember, the government runs the schools to mold everyone into patterns useful to the "owners" of society and the "owners" of the workforce! This pattern was the response of the bosses when slavery was outlawed. The early US sweatshops of the 19th century paid their workers about what the southern slavers paid to feed and house their victims, and the slavelords envied them for not having to buy their workers at auction. There was only one problem: the workers quit in droves, like the runaway slaves they had become. The bosses responded at first with vagrancy laws but later realized that children were not quitting the jobs like the adults. Since they could not make child labor compulsory, they added their power to calls for compulsory State-run schools(previously the idea of anti-Catholic bigots that wanted Catholic kids in Protestant schools) and pushed it through in return for modelling the schools on the factory system. What we see in this case is the return of compulsory government schooling to it TRUE roots and purpose.

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