- McJobs and Workers -
UPS is already losing customers.
Posted by: Mike Bacon ( Lone Star State #1, Bedford, TX, USA ) on August 15, 1997 at 11:01:48:
In Reply to: The customers can wait posted by Quincunx on August 15, 1997 at 02:04:56:

Yes, UPS is the largest courier service, but according to the national news, an increasing number of pissed off customers are switching to Fed-Ex, Airborne, and others. I agree that UPS is not going to fold tomorrow, and will likely remain the largest in the courier industry. But I predict that gradually, its competition will be picking up a lot of UPS's frustrated customers, many of which are small business owners who depend on these cost-effective shipping services.An interesting point regarding the Teamsters Union, the rank-and-file can't vote. This is democracy?!!! And strikers' pay isn't very much. This is something else for McD employees to think about regarding unions. Furthermore, if the striking McD workers put their affected franchise owners out of business, then what will that get them? They'll be cut down to size also, like John Wayne Bobbit.

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