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It's the source that matters
Posted by: Ann Younger ( UK ) on August 09, 1997 at 14:20:37:
In Reply to: Reliable Sources posted by Sarah on August 06, 1997 at 21:38:08:

: Information gained from the Internet doesn't hold up in court. You can't say that you read something on the Internet and you assumed it to be true. Unfortunately you need a more reliable source. : Any suggestions?The internet is really just the equivalent of a library. So what you've said is much the same as saying that information from a library doesn't hold up in court. It depends what the source or book is. Most of the stuff from the trial is attributed to particular witnesses or from particular scientific publications etc, and the Judgement is obviously from the Judge. Journalists can apply to the UK court for a copy of the Judgment, though they may ask you to pay. You can also buy copies of transcripts (though it might cost you a lot to order the whole set!). That's if you get as far as needing hard copies. Somehow I don't think McDonald's will be in a hurry to sue anyone over these issues again.

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