- McJobs and Workers -

Why don't you just admit McSpotlight is reliable?

Posted by: Siamak ( UK ) on July 31, 1997 at 15:35:31:

In Reply to: We're not heartless monsters posted by Joey Stalin on July 30, 1997 at 23:59:06:

:One little tidbit of information that I see quite often here is that quarter-pounders contain 48% water. I'm not disputing that, in fact, it seems pretty close to truth. What's misleading, however, is that just about everything you eat is made up of a great deal of water.That is only one little fact. It's true, but it is made to seem like McD is the only culprit.

So that's it then is it. The only "misleading" thing you could find amongst 10s of Mb of information was the water content of a quarterpounder! WHOW, what strong evidence to prove your argument. I _am_ impressed! The only thing is that I feel you have a bit more to do to convince others if you really want to make a dent in the reputation of McSpotlight.

You don't even say where you saw the info. you are referring to above. If it was in the debating room, then forget it. McSpotlight can not take responsibility for that. What's more, you yourself agree that this is a petty argument so why bother? I suggest you either take back your slander and admit McSpotlight is a reliable source of info. and is run very professionally or go back and do your homework properly on the subject if you want to be taken at all seriously here.

: It's incredibly ignorant to assume religion equals Christianity.
On the global scale, Christianity is a minority religion. Many religions with great number of followers actually forbid exploitation and consumption of animals.

: Did I say that? Did I say that Christianity is the only religion? I think not. ...Christianity is not the issue here.

Well, you were lecturing us that if we are religious we should believe that animals are created for human use consumption _because the Bible says so_ how else can this be interpreted?

:We are not bad people. We care about the well-being of our employees. We genuinely give a damn. And when you make us all out to be heartless monsters, some of us get a little pissed off.

I am sorry to see you have taken my argument as an attack on the character of managers because I did not intend it that way. No matter how good mangers are, they are under pressure to implement the policies of the company. Most of them eventually loose their own identity and become tools in the hands of the company for its insatiable drive for profit. That means forgetting the human feelings they may or should have towards their fellow colleagues. That means for example if by sending members of crew home before end of shift you work agains their interest then so be it whether you are a kind person or not because you ere under pressure to reduce labour ratio.

The choice between your fellow workers' interests and the company's is no choice because the latter comes first, always. And you prove this repeatedly every time you tell the crew "if you don't like your job then leave".

This is the truth and as a manager you have to learn to live with it or else find a job which gives you at least some control over your activities. Otherwise it's no good getting pissed off with me.

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