- McJobs and Workers -
Hellooooooo I'm back- with news!!!
Posted by: Aussie Maccas Chick ( --, Australia ) on February 15, 19100 at 13:42:48:

Hello all, Some of you may remember me from a few months ago when I was here whinging and fighting with the little green tree frog. It doesnt matter if you don't.... I have some news!!! After nearly 5 years with Maccas I am officially out of there for good!!!! I have found a new job that is 100% better and I love it and I'm happy!!! To all of you still being held by the evil cluthches of ronald- hang in there..and try, try,try to get a new job. I know its tough but you have to be very persistent and you have to expect a few knockbacks- after you get a new one you wonder how you ever survived all that Mcbullshit!!! Thank you Mcspotlight for existing and giving me an oppurtunity to vent my anger and frustration and to know that I wasn't alone in my suffering. Goodluck to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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