- McJobs and Workers -
Mcspotlight is so truthfull
Posted by: Dave Peal ( USA ) on February 14, 19100 at 11:48:29:
In Reply to: Mc spotlight is so childish. posted by Emma on February 11, 19100 at 12:15:55:

:Another young key holder brainwashed by Mcfilthy's again. It seems this company can somehow find people to work and believe in thier unethical behavior. Mcfilthy's hasn't changed since 1955. It alon process but there is a certain kind of person that is attracted to this form of brainwashing and promising a set of keys. These youngsters have nothing better in life and soem even become suits and ties who make good money looking like fools. Yes these people seem to sleep at night but I can't imagine if they have any self esteem in the job they are doing to the children and health issues. Look at some of the want a bees who have become rich by doing nothing but delegating duties to 16 year olds. Just think how much better we all would be if the world never had the evil clown!!!

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