- McJobs and Workers -Why I left Mcdonalds
This is a true story. One of my assistant managers who was 2 months with child had a miscarriage. She requested several days off to deal with the tragic issue(no health concerns with her just the emotional aspect as I could quite imagine). As per normal guidelines I contacted my immeadiate supervisor to inform him that this particular manager would be taking some time off(4 days is what she requested and I gave it to her no questions asked).When I spoke to my supervisor he stated quite clearly that the time off was unacceptable, if she still wanted it it was to come off her vacation time for the year(I am not making this up or kidding this conversation took place). When I refuted my own career was threatened, guess what. I am now working for another large multinational company where nonsense like this from supervisors is not tolerated. To all the outstanding managers out there who treat there fellow staff and management(be it senior or at the resturant level)with the utmost dignity and respect, this one individual destroyed all your hard work and efforts. Think I'm not being serious, look at all the other posts in this group and tell me you don't have issues to deal with. This paticular individual in a senior position should be removed immeaditly, others still working for the company know about it, why is this person still employed there. comments anyone? ![]() None.