- McJobs and Workers -
No one wants to buy healthy food from a restaurant.
Posted by: Ken ( Canada ) on February 01, 19100 at 10:38:45:
In Reply to: Employment Employment Employment!!!! posted by Michael Goss Jr on January 29, 19100 at 12:39:01:

: Oh, and one more thing, I admit, Mcdonalds menu could be a bit healthier, but, tell me something, doesn't Mcdonalds sell Grilled chicken sandwhiches? Don't they sell salads? Oranje juice? See, Mcdonalds does not exclude health from their menu. We also don't tell that 500pd guy that comes in at 10pm to get a Double Quarter Pounder with cheese, super fry, and supper soda. Health is a choice. I've worked at Mcdonalds for a year and a half, i'm 19,5'7, 165pds, with a nice build and I eat McDonalds every day. You can stay healthy and eat at McDonalds, like I said it is a choice. A choice a lot don't choose to make and then they decide to blame it on anyone they can. : In conclusion, : Mcdonalds does have it's faults, but every one and every thing does also. You choose to hit McDonalds only because it is the biggest. Take the waste for any other Fast food chain and multiply it by McDonalds volume and you'll see, there is not much difference, except volume. I agree and also want to add that in my 8 years at McDs every time we added a healthier alternative to our menu NOBODY bought it. Example: Mc Wraps (we sell approx. 5 a day, not even worth ordering the raw products), also vegetarian pizzas( maybe 4 a day), The McLean(low-fat) burger (approx. 4/day). No one wants to buy healthy food from a restaurant. This is even true of real restaurants.
-- McSpotlight: From a 1987 internal McDonald's memo; "McDonald's should attempt to deflect the basic negative thrust of our critics.....How do we do this? By talking 'moderation and balance'. We can't really address or defend nutrition. We don't sell nutrition and people don't come to McDonald's for nutrition". - so why did McDonald's try to sue two people for saying that their food was not nutritious?

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