- McJobs and Workers -

More winning lines!

Posted by: Hugh Morris ( Stuttering John and John the Stutterer, USA ) on January 31, 19100 at 18:17:12:

In Reply to: A minor victory for any Maccas employee who has ever been abused by a customer. posted by Andrea on January 31, 19100 at 13:10:51:

Between the 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. drunk rush, the dining room is thankfully closed. The drive-thru line makes its way behind the building, and is near the concrete'block enclosure that hides the trash dumpsters. Now, when you've spent all you money on liquor, making mine the only restaurant you can afford, but you're greeted with no bathroom, the dumpster enclosure suddenly becomes a terrific place to urinate!

Usually, the driver will try to place an order, in a fumbling, drunken way, while a passenger exits the car, heads to the dumpster enclosure, and drains his or her bladder. Unfortunately, they don't seem to realize that there is a surveillance camera, focused squarely on the drive-thru speaker and the dumpster enclosure. When this happens, I like to say, "I see what you're doing in there; shame on you!" or perhaps, "This is the police; come out with your hands up and your pants down!"

Half the time, the offending carload of drunks will simply leave. Other times, they like to drive to the window and size me up, to see if they could take me in a physical confrontation. When they decide they can't, I sometimes tell the men: "Would you like to Super-Size that while you'r here?"

Man, I miss being irresponsible.

Hugh Morris

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