- McJobs and Workers -
there is nother more annoying than winging crew.
Posted by: karen ( u.k. ) on January 30, 19100 at 21:04:55:
In Reply to: Attention crew posted by Paul on January 29, 19100 at 12:45:05:

: To all of you that complain about your job, please quit. You are not an asset to the company. As a manager , i have noticed that bad employees like all you complainers, are extremely stupid people that have difficulty understanding the basic concepts that make mcdonalds run.i totally agree. i to am a manager and there is nother more annoying than winging crew.so listen up crew. please try to understand that when us managers are running shifts we have more important things to worry about other than 'are you going to have an extra break' 'can you go home early' 'you dont want to be on tills you want to be in kitchen' and we definately are not interested when you think that a proceedure that has been in place for years and has worked perfectly should now, in your (oh so experienced)opinion,be changed to suit you. get real, get on with your job, and if you dont like it, well you know the alternative.

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