- McJobs and Workers -Each burger you eat=one acre of rainforest destroyed.In Reply to: Mcdonalds fair as any other company posted by A.Wake on September 01, 1998 at 01:25:04:
Mc Donalds may be fair to its workers but not to the enviroment it destroys so readily. They clear 800 squaremiles of forest a year for there packaging and have cleared astonishing amounts of rainforest for rearing there cattle who are then slaughtered in a n inhumane way. Each burger you eat=one acre of rainforest destroyed. Its time we woke up to the cofee and stoped the growing empire of mcdonalds while we can. one burger or one acre- its your decision. i dont know how many people can back this company. Any e -mails please backing my cause or any complaints mail me at the above address. ![]()