- McJobs and Workers -
yes we do have a problem.
Posted by: ben ( canada ) on January 18, 19100 at 17:52:43:
In Reply to: Minimum Wage posted by Ken J on January 18, 19100 at 10:19:59:

yes we do have a problem. however,have you talked to your manager about this or the operator. the ndp govt in bc have killed our econmony with these minimun wage increases and now we lose companies because it cheaper to business in other provinces. i would talk to someone, that wage is pretty unfair , unless the have been telling you for years that you area below average or just average and then the length of time you been there means nothing if your experience does not warrant more money.i don't believe people deserve more money just because they are there(does it mean one is too lazy to look for another job). that's not a dig at you because i don't know you.

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