- McJobs and Workers -
Posted by: patricia demint on January 10, 19100 at 11:49:26:

i think you all have it wrong you all say how bad all us managers are, well i dont see it. im sure in some cases mgrs are noy the best. but i am a g.m in my own store i have over 80 employees and no one ever leaves, except when they go off to school, we are a family at my store, we have trips to great adventure [icnics parties, paid study time and alot of incentives, i care a great deal aboute all my employees and know i would not be successful with out them, you should noy generalize all managers in this toppic. aldo people say we have no iq well i was in the navy and a certified air traffic controller with 3 yrs of collage i work at mcdonalds because i like my job and enjoy going to work everyday. also my pay is very very good. so dont listen to all the hype there are people like myself who care alot and in return to have old employees come back to visit you or recomend a friend we cant all be bad

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