- McJobs and Workers -
everybody in this debating room (including me) is guilty of harsh generalisations
Posted by: Daniel Gribble ( McD, Australia ) on December 29, 1999 at 11:02:17:
In Reply to: They are an uncaring, insensitive multi-national corporation. posted by John Evans on December 24, 1999 at 10:16:27:

It is good to see that you acknowledge that you don't know about how it is in Australia...everybody in this debating room (including me) is guilty of harsh generalisations...like me insinuating that all/most customers are unintelligent if they expect good food from maccas. I don't think its right that you abused Mc Worker though...if he enjoys it then don't hold it against him...also there are more ways of interpretting his message when he said "maybe your not suited yada yada yada..." - it IS true that different people are good at different things...thats my two cents.

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