- McJobs and Workers -
you blaming McD's is blaming McD's everywhere.
Posted by: Loretta ( Australia ) on December 23, 1999 at 10:39:53:
In Reply to: Really bad work experience. posted by Andrea on November 04, 1999 at 19:03:37:

I too am sorry to here of your situation but how can you blame the most successful company worldwide for the arrogance of one single employee of theirs from one single one of their thousands of restaurants. I've only been working at McD's for a bit more than a year now. I've just turned 16. Maybe it's different here in Australia but you blaming McD's is blaming McD's everywhere. So far I've thoroughly enjoyed working at McDonald's. the pay may not be as good as what my friends at Big W etc. are getting but I know that if I can stick it through on a fairly low wage, with long hours, then go home to study for school and still get great grades, then all that along with the training they are giving me is teaching me excellent discipline and will pay off in the not to soon future when I'll be looking for a full-time position (whether it be inside or outside McDonalds.)

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