- McJobs and Workers -
you cannot say that all of us that like are jobs are brainwashed.
Posted by: joshers ( USA ) on December 14, 1999 at 14:56:26:
In Reply to: how the fuck can you people defend mcdonalds!! posted by penduls on November 19, 1999 at 10:44:02:

: how can anyone defend mcdonalds, and enjoy what they are forced to do there. in my store i have seen managers picking up food the touched the floor and then trying to sell it, if i didn't stop him. : i have seen burgers sit in the production bin for hours past the holding time, during close, the managers know whats going on but don't stop it because it would mean the would have stand up to do some work. : all you peole who say "mcdonlds is a great place to work" have been brain washed with the evil propaganderof mcdonalds. : all the so call carity work done by mcdonalds is just done to make the corporation looking like it cares. : there is no good point to make when speaking of mcdonalds they just corupt the young, making them a porn in there game of chess. Excuse me, but is there ANY possibility we just happen to work at a GOOD store? you are telling me about you're bad experience, and I am not doubting you. I worked at a store in Wisconsin that was a VERY bad store. Proper proceedures were not followed and I was started as a crew memeber with a promise to become a manager there once I got "used to the store" I was never promoted though I tried very hard, and I was always told I needed to get adjusted to the new store better. I busted my ass, and I got nothing. It happens, some stores are like that. needless to say I was fired for being "not fast enough". but oh well I didn't like it there anyways. After that I moved back to Michigan, and went back to the store I worked at before I left. They were extremely glad to take me back. The store here is HUNDREDS of times better than the one in Wisconsin. I am glad to be back. All I am saying is you cannot say that all of us that like are jobs are brainwashed. Maybe we just work at a well run. good store. Leave us alone!

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