- McJobs and Workers -
To back-up my opinion I have the following points
Posted by: mark hayes ( McDonalds, Ireland ) on November 07, 1999 at 22:32:04:
In Reply to: I could not ever work for Mickey D's again franchise or not. posted by Andrea on November 05, 1999 at 17:24:42:

Dear Bill, I really do agree with your comments about francishee stores are better managed. To back-up my opinion I have the following points listed below. Advantages of Franchise stores are:- 1.There is only one owner so he/she will take care of it. They will take care of their staff, 2.They don't have a 'company budget' to adhere to. 3.They don't have to control the labour costs to work the ass off people. Thanks,Mark

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