- McJobs and Workers -
Where I work there are probably more girls than guys.
Posted by: Ted ( Canada ) on November 07, 1999 at 22:05:59:
In Reply to: No Room For Women posted by POOK on November 03, 1999 at 13:04:54:

Hold up... there are only 10 females that work there...of course you are going to have low ratios of managers and crew trainers. There may be so few females because few applied...it may be a coincidence. How many guys work at your store? And can you PROVE you weren't trained on other stations because you were a woman, or was there another reason? Where I work there are probably more girls than guys. The crew-trainer and manager ratios between guys and girls are very close to equal...it depends on the store I guess. But if you don't have many girls in the store, then of course you won't have many girl trainers or managers.Ted : Hello I am a McDonald's employee and I am one out of a total of around 10 females that work at a mcdonalds on New York 1 out of 6 managers is a female 1 out of 5 crew trainers is a female. In my mcdonalds we have come to notice that there is no room ffor advancment for females. I am a hard worker and I love my job, my male managers favor the males and make moves and rude comments to the females. I had requested to learn a diffrent station many times but was never considered because I was a female. But I had had enough so I made a complaint to my head manger and I was taught the area and I am now up against 3 males for a crew trainer, even though my window numbers are ten times better then them and I hustle the most in grill since they are males they will get it before me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : From , : A very pissed off Employee POOK

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