- McJobs and Workers -
We went on a protest today
Posted by: margaret ( Industrial Workers of the World, Australia ) on October 16, 1999 at 12:09:22:
In Reply to: Working for McDeath's posted by Mike on October 15, 1999 at 19:42:01:

We went on a protest today for world anti-McDonalds Day (bet the Boss won't tell you what happened kids!) all around Oz and the world people in their own time got off their arses cause they give a shit about something - stopping McDonalds and other global Corporations raping the planet. Everytime unionists organise inside a McExploiters they get the sack so much for your benevolent Dictator employer. Did you ever look at the Golden Arches a lot of people use McDonalds as a toilet as it is a golden bum site for free toilet. AND as the old toilet cleaner motto goes: it may be shit to you but it's bread and butter to me mate". If you aren't a ruthless careerist dobber on your workmates(ie Management potential)you are not successful, a 'loser' and you get the flick when they have to pay you adult wages. The most you can say for the McEmpire is that it will bring a lot of joiy when it declines and falls like the Stalinists, Nazis, Romans, Greeks, Ottoman, Egyptians, Incas, or in our region and epoch the Indonesian Empire losing East Timor and finally starting to crack up. All these empires needed a push as they won't fall by themselves McDonalds is no different it needs a push and when it comes to shove the workers will be doing the final topple - your turn to play up kids!Down with the Golden Arches McEmpire Margaret

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