- McJobs and Workers -
Yes, all about them...
Posted by: Shaun on September 14, 1999 at 01:31:10:
In Reply to: About those road maps... posted by Hugh Morris on September 12, 1999 at 14:22:48:

: Morris: If they are truly obnoxious, and then ask you for driving directions, it's always fun to give directions to a place with a simialr sounding name. Once, some hick who obviously doesn't get to the big city too often wanted directions to Pittsburgh, the center of a metropolis of about 2 million people. Instead, I sent him to East Pittsburgh, a blighted community of abandoned factories, public housing projects, and narcotics dealings on the streets. At least I sent him in the correct direction and got him halfway there! Barring that, just make up any directions you like, and end it with: "You can't miss it!"I love it.Right now I live in the Pocono region of Pensylvania (over a year now) about 70 miles from New York City. Being in a very touristy area (and an area where more than 50%of the counties population are newcomers from NY and NJ) we give out directions every day, and we don't mind it at all. But I just love it when some idiot says "Yeah, can you tell me how to get back to the Bronx (or Brooklyn, Jersey City etc...)?" And I'll be thinking "Well, however you got here, you go back that same exact way" but that's too mean so I'll just giv'em the standard reply- "80 east for one hour" What's even better is when someone asks for directions to route 80. I'll ask them 80 east or 80 west (because depending on what direction you want to go in, it's a different way). Sometimes they'll say they don't know, and then I'll ask them "Do you want 80 east towards New Jersey or 80 west towards Scranton and central and western PA? One time I asked a lady who was looking for directions this exact question and her reply was "I don't know, I live in..." some small town far away I never heard of. P.S. speaking of directons, there is a town in central Pennsylvania in the Williamsport/Scranton area called Jersey Shore. Many people from Ohio and Western PA who are headed for THE actual New Jersey shore see the "Jersey Shore" exit on I-80 in PA expecting to see the ocean. But when they instead find a rural farming town with less residents than employees at a New Jersey casino they get all confused. Then they get upset when they ask for directions and find out they have to go an additional 3 or 4 hours to the Jersey shore

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