- McJobs and Workers -
most managers are decent people trying to earn a living in a crappy job.
Posted by: McFree ( UK ) on August 25, 1999 at 18:48:36:
In Reply to: Manager does not always equal EVIL posted by Armageden on August 19, 1999 at 17:57:18:

Yep u r right, some of my best friends are/were McDee's management. Indeed in my experience I would say that most managers are decent people trying to earn a living in a crappy job. Whoever in my time at McD's (5 long years) I didcome into contact with managers who were power-tripping, bullying, cynical and in one case either suffering from a personality disorder or evil. This individual still works for McD's - has even been promoted- despite the fact that everyone, even senior managment, know that the guy is unstable. If you have never worked with someone such as this it is hard to explain the kind of stress it can cause, even in your life outside work. My main prob with McD's is the fact that it fosters an environment where people like him can not only hold down a job but can thrive by making employees lives miserable. You sound like a decent guy and maybe the culture in your area is way different to the one in my area but I would be very suprised if you haven't come across some unpleasent managers in your time. Regards McFree

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