- McJobs and Workers -
You Have a point.....
Posted by: JayDublin ( Ireland ) on August 22, 1999 at 12:09:37:
In Reply to: Manager does not always equal EVIL posted by Armageden on August 19, 1999 at 17:57:18:

What you are saying is true, I have made many comments regarding the managers on several postings to this board, However, I will admit I did have some friends within the management team at McDonald's, Unfortunately, 95% of the managers are ignorant arseholes that are on a powertrip and these give the very small minority a bad name.I will apologise now if my comments at any stage have offended the very small minority of decent caring managers out there (you know who you are and DONT EVER CHANGE!) I think that most people that have worked for McDonald's at one stage can name at least one friendly and caring member of a management team in their store its just a shame that these people get shit thrown at them from all directions because they will take it.

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