- McJobs and Workers -
Read this! HOW UNFAIR!!!
Posted by: Tammarra ( McDonalds, Australia ) on August 10, 1999 at 10:54:30:

I have been at McDonalds for a totoal of 2 years now. In this time I have seen a lot of bad things happen- but was hushed down and told not to tell anyone - or I would loose my job. Once I saw the 19-year old new assistant manager at the back doing 'Walkers' ( which is removing stock from the Maccas truck and putting it at the back) with two 16 year old boy crew. They had a bottle of vodka and a bit of pot -IN FRONT OF ME! I was told not to say anything or else she would find a reason to fire me. HOW FAIR IS THAT??? Another time I witnessed a crew friend of mine being sexually harrased by the male manager on duty. She said " If you dont leave me alone I'll tell the store manager. Tammarra saw it too so you cant say i'm making it up." This manager took me aside and threatened to suspend my shifts for 2 months if I said anything. In response I said " you cant just do that! What reason could you find to suspend me?" His response- "Your shoes aren't polished. Uniform is important." - and walked away as if nothing happened!! I have a job interview next week and I hope to leave Mcdonalds forever and never look back.

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